Monday, July 21, 2008

That Other Life

Ever think about it? That other life you could be leading right now... if not for this, this, this familar life you've constructed?

A high school friend just contacted me via Facebook -- she's left the east coast and started a sustainable organic homestead in Colorado. I'm not entirely sure what a homestead means these days, but it's definitely a cousin of my we-could-have-horses-and-chickens-and-lots-of-closet-space alternate life fantasies.

Anyway, here's one for the back burner: organic farming in Kenya, anyone?

Please allow me to introduce myself. I am a UC Davis graduate of class 2003. I am currently working with CA non-profit that is starting Daraja Academy Kenya , a free boarding school for the disadvantaged children near Nairobi Kenya.

The Academy is hoping to set up set up an organic farm on its 150-acre property. The farm will provide fresh produce and an education source for the school and the local community.

The Academy is currently looking for an intern with an education or experience in organic agriculture who will advise them in organic practices and methods.

Internship credits are available for those interested in academic credit. Accommodations and meals are provided.

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