Friday, November 2, 2007

Look What I Got at the Farmers Market

Please do not make fun of the fact that I love radish sandwiches until you have tried a radish sandwich for yourself. I got the idea for this years ago when I found an old Time-Life cookbook series in a thrift shop. The French book in the series had a picture of a four-year-old French kid eating a baguette slathered with cold butter, laid out with long red and white radishes, and sprinkled with sea salt. It looked so good I had to try it, and then I couldn't believe how perfect it was. The spicy crunch of the radish, the creamy sweet butter, the background of the bread... Best if you use really crusty bread and some kind of cultured amazing sweet butter, and coarse sea salt.

I have not yet had luck getting my own children to share the wisdom of this French child. But I am all for it.

ps Radishes are also great with cheddar cheese.

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